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How To Introduce A New Partner To Your Children

Relationships : Family

If you have a new partner and things are going well, then at some stage you will want to introduce them to your children.

Of course this is a worrying time for both you and them so how should you do it?

Well the key is to do it slowly over a period of time so that they can get used to it.

For instance before he or she comes back with you, start to tell the children about things that you do together: places that you have been together and so on.

Emphasise the fact that they make you happy so that the children build up good associations.

When eventually it comes to them meeting if all goes well, then make it not too formal en event, but let the children know that your new partner is coming back in advance. Keep it to quite a short meeting as it is likely to be overwhelming - perhaps for both parties.

That way they get to see who your new partner is, then get time to digest it afterwards.

Overtime, as per your wishes and how well it goes, you can introduce them more and more, with the ultimate step for many being moving in together.

By: Stephanie

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I find that bringing them over for a coffee while the kids are absorbed in their usual activities - watching TV, playing games, doing homework - is the easiest and most relaxed way to do it. That way, nobody is under pressure to say or do anything, and the level of interaction can range from just a quick greeting/farewell to having a discussion or helping kids with activities, depending on how comfortable everyone feels. And the home environment is the one you most want them to get used to being in together.

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