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Investing And Setting Limits To Sell

Money : Investing

Often investing seems to boil down to a game of discipline and a sixth sense.

Discipline in terms of setting targets and sticking to them, and a sixth sense in terms of having a general feeling for the market and trends that are pending across sectors and the market in general.

Generally it is wise to set targets for your shares and to stick to them. For instance sell when they rise by 30% and and sell if they fall by 20%.

One of the worst things people do in general is so-called chasing of losses - when a share they have bought falls they then think they need to get back that loss so buy more shares at the lower price, only for it to fall again - putting good money after bad, in other words.

In general set a stop loss on shares so that if they fall by a certain percentage you sell - that way you protect yourself from even bigger losses.

By: Fred

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