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How To Keep Milk Fresh Without A Fridge

Food And Drink : Drinks

If you are going somewhere where you need to take your own milk but you don't have a fridge to hand, then there are various things that can keep the milk fresh for longer.

First of all, the lower the temperature then the longer the milk will last. So if you are staying in a hotel say and it has a balcony, then try leaving it out there unless you are somewhere tropical where it is hotter outside than in.

A second tip is actually to add a little bit of salt into the milk carton. Apparently this also will act in such a way as to keep the milk fresher for a bit longer.

Remember to always smell the milk and check that it hasn't gone off by tasting a little bit before using in large quantities, as these will help extend the life of the milk a little bit but won't of course keep it fresh anywhere near as long as being stored in a fridge.

By: Artiste

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