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How To Keep Your Hands Soft

Beauty : Skincare

Hands can get dry or rough from over washing, using hot water or products, or just from working too hard, for example gardening.

Moisture regularly to keep them soft. Carry a small bottle around with you so you can use this when you are out and about. Apply cream to your hands before bed, and you could even use moisturising gloves over night for a more intense treatment, or try wearing socks on your hands.

Body butters may be a good idea, as they are richer and more luxurious. There is a hand cream that claims to replace natural moisture rather than put a layer over the top of the skin. Its called Gloves In A Bottle and may be worth checking out.

Make sure you wear gloves when cleaning or washing up. Always dry your hands thouroughly after washing them, then apply cream once dry.

Use sun tan lotion when going out in the sun so it doesnt burn your skin. Exfoliate your hands often too, and use more natural products if you can.

By: Danielle

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