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Keep Your Skin Sparkling

Beauty : Skincare

Stress and tiredness can make you lose your sparkle at Christmas and cause havoc with your skin. The best thing to do is to relax or try taking some immune boosting vitamins such as Boots Vitamin C and Zinc. Make sure you have enough time to yourself and don’t accept every invitation for a night out.

Use cream and concealer to banish dark circles under your eyes or any other blemishes.

Put on hand cream after every time you wash your hands (once they are dry) or just before you go out into the cold as this can make them crack and become sore. The cream will help to keep them hydrated and protect them from any damage. Keep warm with a decent pair of gloves when you go outside.

Use a shimmery eye pencil when you go out in the evening and make sure to take one with you for any touch ups throughout the night. This will add sparkle to your eyes and brighten up your face at the same time. Use mascara as well.

By: Danielle

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