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Lateral Thinking Puzzle

Games : Puzzles

Here is a puzzle you might like to try:

4 people need to cross a bridge.

They take the following time to get across the bridge:

Emma - 1 minute
Tom - 2 minutes
Dick - 5 minutes
Harry - 10 minutes

You can only go as fast as the slowest person.

Thus, if Emma and Harry go across with the torch, it takes 10 minutes to get across.

It is dark and they need to use 1 torch to get across and back.

2 go over, 1 comes back, 2 go over 1 comes back with the torch to get someone else etc.

Can you get them all across in 17 minutes?

By: Stephen

More puzzles advice

Emma & tom crosses the bridge in 2 min
were, emma comes back in1 min
later dick & harry crosses in 10 min
were tom comes back in 2 min
& at last tom & emma crosses in 2 min..
All together 16min, 1 minute is saved

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