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How To Lead Well

Career : Career Techniques

Most people expire to a leadership role, but when it comes it is often a culture shock. No longer are you responsible for just yourself, but also for someone else.

You may have targets that are passed on to them, and you will also have the people management issues to deal with.

If you are new to leadership, then it pays to work out the best way to manage the relationship.

The key to being a good leader is simple - Time. The most valuable thing you can give your employee is your time. There is nothing worse or more isolating than a boss who never has time for you, takes no interest in what you are doing, and is not particularly helpful.

Ensure regular contact with your staff - consider the idea of weekly one to ones to keep up with them and what they are doing.

Also remember that you will need to supervise them more in the early days, and then take a more hands off approach further down the line when the relationship is more developed.

By: Stephen

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