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Leadership Tips: Learn To Delegate

Career : Leadership

For some bosses, delegation comes easy and is what keeps them in their job (some say George Bush is a great example of a good delegator).

For other bosses, they are not so comfortable handing over work and therefore keep a high and often unmanageable workload and pressure on themselves.

Whatever your status on this, you should seek the happy medium. The key is to delegate to people that you know are competent and that you know will get the job in hand done well.

Therefore part of the skill of a leader is to get the right make up of a team around them - a good mix and range of skills that can complement together and people who are good in one area and those good in another - not all with the same strengths and weaknesses.

Then delegate the right project to the right person at the right time.

Remember when you do delegate you should still ensure that you stay in touch with a project so that you can pick up on any issues in a timely fashion.

By: Fred

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