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Letter Frequencies In English

Games : Codes And Ciphers

It is always useful to know how frequent letters are in English.

This can help with solving codes or getting a foothold into Codeword puzzles, for instance working out

where the 'E' probably is. You can see that E, T and A are the three most common letters.

a 7.49
b 1.29
c 3.54
d 3.62
e 14.00
f 2.18
g 1.74
h 4.22
i 6.65
j 0.27
k 0.47
l 3.57
m 3.39
n 6.74
o 7.37
p 2.43
q 0.26
r 6.14
s 6.95
t 9.85
u 3.00
v 1.16
w 1.69
x 0.28
y 1.64
z 0.04

By: Fred

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