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Lifestyle Changes That Will Save You Money

Money : Saving

Downgrade your supermarket from Marks and Spencers or Waitrose to Tesco or Asda. Use mysupermarket.co.uk to compare prices and work out which products are cheaper at which shop. Use voucher discount codes as well.

Search on ebay for cheap clothes and goods to save you money.

Grow your own fruit and veg instead of buying them.

Go for a free or cheap hair cut by getting one of the trainee stylists to do it, they are completely supervised so you should get a decent hair cut at less than half the price.

Pack a lunch box instead of buying food at work or school. Dont go to coffee shops either.

Drink water before a meal so you dont over eat.

Turn off any appliances when not in use, in order to save electricity and therefore money.

Give your kids pocket money in return for chores.

Shop around and always look for the best bargains before buying. Sell some of your old stuff at car boots and on Gumtree if you haven't used it in a year.

By: Danielle

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