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How To Lose Money On Stocks And Shares

Money : Stocks And Shares

Usually the best way to lose money is to chase short term profits. Here, you get impatient with your shares and if they start going down or don't make much money you sell them and try another stock.

This is a bit of a lottery and you can end up chasing losses quite quickly.

The best method is to actually view share investment as a long term game and to leave your shares to build up gradually over time where they can on average ride out periods of movement up and down.

The problem with day trading or keeping shares a few weeks is that they are then of course very susceptible to rapid movements and uncertainty up or down that level themselves out usually in the fullness of time.

Therefore try to have your stocks for a period of time and forget about them rather than checking on their value everyday!

Also remember to do your research and not just to follow stocks that pundits in newspapers pick. If you follow the ones they pick you will see that for most pundits as many go up as down, so their recommendation is absolutely no guarantee of success. Therefore never invest on a whim or without doing research.

By: Job Expert

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