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How To Make A Basic Sponge Cake

Food And Drink : Desserts

Making a basic sponge cake is very simple, and once you have the basic recipe you can adapt it to suit your needs, for example by adding cocoa powder or coconut as a variant. Flavourings and colourings can also be added.
,br>All you need to do is take 4oz (about 100g) of butter, caster sugar, self raising flour and 2 eggs - this is easy to remember as it is 4oz of each ingredient. Sieve the flour before adding to the mixture. Whisk the butter and sugar together until the mixture is light and creamy, then beat the eggs together and add to the the butter and sugar mixture gradually with a little bit of the flour.

Then you should fold in what remains of the flour - the best way to fold is to remember the "cut and round" motion, whereby you add the ingredient to the mixture, cut through it with your spatula as if you were cutting it in half, then bring the spatula round the bowl in a circle.

Once all the flour has been properly folded in, you should divide the mixture equally between two cake tins of about 6 inch diameter, then bake in the oven for about 20-25 minutes at a temperature of about 190?C, which equates to gas mark 5 or 375?F.

Remember not to open the oven door while they are baking or else they will sink in the middle. You can tell they are ready when they have risen and are an even golden brown colour.

By: Bev Woolfson on Mon, May 27th 2002

More cake advice

Hi, I am a beginer in learning how to make sponge cake. I had tried many time on my cake and it did not rise, and the inside not fluffy.
May I know what are the tips to solve my problems above.

If you have a look at http://www.ratemycakes.com
you will find recipes and photos of many cakes.

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When I make a sponge the outside always has a slight crust to it. I would be gra...
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