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How To Make A Berry Lime Smoothie

Food And Drink : Drinks

You will need a handful of fresh strawberries, a handful of fresh raspberries, 1 ripe banana, 1 small container of plain and natural yogurt, some orange juice, one lime (for flavour) and 5 ice cubes.

Cut up the strawberries and raspberries, removing any leaves. Then wash them gently under running water in a bowl. Add them to a blender.

Add in the yoghurt as well. It will add more liquid to the mixture and also its best to go for a low fat on if possible.

Pour in some orange juice and the chopped up banana. The banana will thicken it, and the orange juice will add more liquid so it can pour more easily.

Blend for 30 seconds.

Add in a hint of lime, probably about half of one is best, just squeeze into into the mixture.

Add the ice cubes once blended, then pour into some glasses and serve chilled. Store it in the freezer with a lid or some cling film over it to keep it fresh, and consume as soon as possible.

By: Danielle

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