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How To Make A Substitution Cipher Harder To Solve

Games : Codes And Ciphers

If you have a standard substitution cipher of a reasonable length it can usually be solved through frequency analysis.

Therefore this presents a couple of options to make it harder to solve. One option is to use bad spelling and therefore try to skew the distribution - for instance drop a few vowels and increase some rarer consonants to really affect the frequency analysis. You could therefore use the powerful ability of the human mind to still read bad sentences and turn:

Can you still read this sentence alright?


Ken yhu stil rhed de sntnce ulrit?

As long as you agree with whoever is receiving the message that they should read out what they see on the paper then they will still understand your message, but anyone trying to apply frequency analysis will have a much harder job, as long as you remember to do things like drop lots of 'e's - for instance here sentence has had two e's removed.

By: Fred

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