How To Make Outstanding Pasta
Food And Drink : Main Courses Pasta is undoubtedly one of the easiest things to cook, but to make sure it comes out right and neither too soggy nor too "crisp", try to stick to the following method; Always use plenty of water, a rough guide is about 1 litre for every 100g of pasta you are cooking. Add salt to the water just as it comes to the boil. There is no need to add anything else like oil, just make sure you stir the pasta with a fork periodically to separate it and make sure it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan. Add the pasta when the water has reached a gentle boil. If you are using long strands of dried spaghetti, don't break them into smaller pieces to make them fit in the pan. Instead, place them in as they are and use a wooden spoon to gently push them down. As they cook they will gently slide down into the pan. Pasta should be cooked until it is "al dente". This means that it retains some of the chewiness and is not too soggy and tasteless. Manufacturer's cooking times vary, but the best way is to text it yourself by taking a piece or a strand with a fork from the pan and place it between your teeth to see if it is slightly crisp to the teeth. Remember that as you drain it it will cook until all the boiling water is removed, so allow for this additional time. Drain it quickly using a colander and serve onto the plates or bowls, or add to the sauce as you desire. What sort of sauce? There are many different kinds and shapes of pasta and often you may just prefer to use what you like best. However, some kinds work better with certain types of sauces than others. Creamy sauces such as carbonara compliment best shapes like quills, twirls and shells because they are thick and trap the sauce. Tomato based and thick sauces go well with spaghetti and tagliatelle. Tubes and fusilli blend well with sauces which contain small pieces of meat, or a traditional bolognese sauce. Fettucine are best used in dishes containing cream and cheese sauces. The very thin kinds of pasta like linguine are traditionally used with sauces which have an oil base and a seafood ingredient.
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