How To Make Your Home Smell Inviting For Potential Buyers
Money : Back To Basics They say that the nose can help to sell a house, in that a pleasant smell makes people feel at home subconsciously and therefore warms their feelings towards a house. Now if the rest of it is awful then it won't overcome that, but having a pleasant smell in the house can make people feel more positively about any little problems and that could swing the balance between them making an offer for it and not making an offer for it. So given this, what can you do to get that nice homely and inviting smell for prospective buyers to help encourage them to make an offer? Well all you do is boil a little cinnamon from a stick on some water for about 20 - 40 minutes, simmering gently. This will add a nice smell to the air around the kitchen which will filter through the house.
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