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Making Decisions At Work

Career : Career Techniques

Making decisions at work is difficult, but at many times in your career you will have to. Our esteemed business leaders justify their salaries largely on the basis of taking the big and tough decisions, so what do they go through?

Well as ever in business land there is a useful acronym that can help you with this process, that is called UPDATE.

This business jargon stands for understand, perspective, decide, act, tell, evaluate.

All it means is that you should use a methodical process when deciding what to do, as this will help you make a decision. If you consider all aspects of a process upfront then you are more likely to be able to make an informed decision and an informed decision is often the right one.

So what to think about?

Well, the key is to really get some information on all aspects of the debate and to understand what the topic for discussion is. Only on the back of this and the interests of all affected parties can you make a decision.

Then all the acronym says is that you need great communication and to follow through, don't go through with a decision half heartedly, but rather make it and then stick to it.

By: Fred

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