Making Money From Speed Dating
Relationships : Speed Dating Speed dating which started as a bit of a quirky event is now actually quite popular, and many people do it on a regular basis. Whilst the whole concept may sound strange or intimidating to some, others really enjoy it and the fact that they can meet so many people in a structured way in such a short timescale. If you want to make money from speed dating, then you need run a speed dating event. Now in large part this is just like organising any event, so is particularly suitable for an event organiser or someone who regularly manages the logistics of such an event at work, for instance at their company. What you need to do first is to get a venue, of course. The next step is to get the refreshments sorted out. Opinion is mixed about whether any alcohol is allowed however due to licensing and the problems it could cause most events run are alcohol free. The hardest part is advertising for people to come, those who turn up make your money, so get friendly with local cafes in the area and get your adverts in them and local bars and clubs too. When people sign up you will need to get all the information you want off them. It could be you make a simple website with more information about the event that you direct people to on your flyer that gives them full details and they will then fill in a form with their data. Before the event get name tags made up with their first name. Finally you need to ensure you make a check box list of the male and female names, one goes to each. This is important for the feedback so that you can put people in touch with those who were interested in them.
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