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How To Manage Your Emails

Business : Home Working

Managing your emails can be one of the biggest chores for a home worker. Emails can be an important form of communication with clients and to get leads from your website.

However if you get loads of emails, then you may find it is hard to keep up and sometimes you might forget to reply to an important email, which is never good!

Therefore get organised and get a system. Read email every couple of hours, so resist the temptation to always flick it open to see what is there which distracts from your work.

Create a folder called ACTION just like you have an in tray for physical papers that you need to action, and make sure that you do action everything in that folder within a couple of days.

Check it daily to see what needs to be done that day.

If you are really organised you can even colour code emails in many email programs so you know the priority of them for yourself.

By: Job Expert

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