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How To Manage Your Time As A Working Mum

Business : Home Working

If you are a home working mum then it can be hard to juggle the time between all your priorities.

A good tip is to start the process off by writing down all the certainties in each day:

Take the kids to school at x, pick them up at y, cook them dinner at z.

Then write the rest of the day around that. If there is a meeting fixed, pencil it in.

You now have a clear indication of what each day looks like and can plan your hours around it. If there is some particular commitment you have, then can you afford the time or do you need to cancel or rearrange the meeting or ask a friend to pick up the children for you?

It is not easy, but juggling can become much easier if you do two things:
- plan well
- plan in advance, so problems are anticipated in advance giving you reasonable time to find a resolution.

By: Job Expert

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