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Match Making Your Friends: Tips

Relationships : Relationship Advice

In your formative years and even later in life we can set up our friends and find it fun to do so.

The key is that it needs to be fun for them too, so bear in minds their feelings and personalities before making a match.

If you have a single male and female friend don't just get them together for the sake of it - only if you know there is a chance that there will be some chemistry between them.

If they are totally not each others types or have radically different interests then it is unlikely to work and may just cause resentment in both friends towards you - so be careful!

Try to research a little at least into what each person is looking for in a partner so that if you do ever match make them with someone you know that there is at least a decent chance that there will be some sort of spark or chemistry between the two of them!

By: Stephanie

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