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How To Memorise Cards

Games : Card Games

In many games if you know the cards that have gone then you can become a much better player and win more games over an extended period of time.

Because knowing the past cards gives you better powers to work out the probability of what cards are left, where they are, and who is going to play them.

Thus in games such as bridge remembering what has been played is of great help.

One way to remember the cards is to tell a mini story for the four cards played in each hand. Let's imagine that the cards played were the King of Spades, the Queen of Hearts, the Two of Diamonds and the Three of Clubs.

The mini story, or picture, for the round could be:

A King digging with a Spade, trying to find in the ground the Heart of his dead Queen, but instead finding two Diamonds, surrounded on the ground by three scattered Clubs.

This mental snapshot forms quickly but is easily remembered if visualised vividly, and makes the whole thing tangible.

Read that sentence through, look away for a minute, then ask yourself what the four cards were.

You should see the mental image and know what the four cards are.

The trick is then in the game to form images quickly, before cards are removed, vividly, so that you can remember them, then practice re-calls.

Deal hands to yourself and build up over time. After a while it will become second nature and you will be able to remember all hands of a game. Congratulations!

By: Stephen

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