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Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips

Do You Have P M Z?

Doc Says:

I said P M Z , not P M S. P M Z stands for Postmenopausal Zest. I mean women need to seize this stage of life, and live to the fullest.

No more pregnancies, or once a month cycle that slowed you down. You are now free.
Go really explore what it feels like to be a woman. Not just someone who raises children. This is your time, so go and enjoy.

You will feel some of the traditional symptoms such as hot flashes, sudden chills, low sexual desire, vaginal dryness, emotional upset, and sleeping problems. But your doc can advice you with these problems.
Menopause begins when your ovaries no longer function, when estrogen secretion slows, then stops, and monthly menstruation becomes irregular, then ceases.

Ususally menopause is reached by age 51. This is the time to make life an adventure.
Go back to school. Change careers, find a new hobby. You decide.

You’ll have mood swings, ups and downs, but adjust slow. Take your time.

Exercise Daily
Walking, jogging, bicycling, jumping rope, dancing, swimming. Exercise will help reduce night sweats, any emotional problems.
Or even vaginal problems.
Physical fitness of course is the most obvious result of exercise.

I recommend aerobics, and stretching, for flexibility, muscle strengthening, and relaxation. It improves diaphragmatic breathing, which includes relaxation and reduces stress.

Away Hot flashes
Hot flashes are the body’s response to lowered estrogen levels. There’s a dysfunction in the temperature regulating a portion of the brain, until the body gets used to the missed estrogen. A typical hot flash lasts about 2.7 minutes. During this time your face and upper body, feel like they’ve been shoved into a hot oven. You’ll return to normal in about 30 minutes, after the skin’s temperature has gone back down.

Look Cool
Have a positive out look on life. It can help combat hot flashes, and make them more bearable.

Women who relax have better control. Practice daily sitting quiet. Learn meditation, yoga, or just sit quiet with your eyes closed.

Control Triggers
Determine what triggers the flashes. Some women say emotional upset. Others say hot meals, spicy foods, warm room, or even a warm bed.

Go for that Layered Look
Wear sweaters and vests. Then peel a layer off when a flash hits.

When the flash passes get the sweater back on. Your body temperature actually falls a few degrees and can leave you feeling chilled.

Wear Natural Fibers
Synthetic fibers trap heat and perspiration during a flash. Making you more uncomfortable.
Cotton and wool will give your body more ventilation, and keep it cool.

Carry A Fan
Flip it on when a flash occurs. I recommend a battery operated. These are better than the purse type.

Eat more meals.
Five or six small meals a day will help your body regulate temperature more easily.

Drink Lots Of Water
This to will help keep the body in check.

Cut Caffeine
Caffeine containing beverage stimulate production of the stress hormones, which trigger the flashes.

Towel Off
Carry a package of moist towels, to remove perspiration after a flash.

Turn Down The Heat
Heat in any form may trigger a flash.
Turn your thermostat down, open a window, and avoid hot foods, and beverages.

Get A Humpin
Women that have sex on a regular basis (once a week, or more ) have fewer or no flashes. While the sporadic have more. Frequent sex helps to moderate dropping estrogen levels, which reduces occurrences of flashes.

Don’t share The Sheets
You don’t have a separate bed to keep from disturbing your husband. So use separate blankets. Or get an electric with dual controls. Then go ahead and kick off those sheets, when you need to cool down.

Lubricate Your Honey
You’ve heard of grease the pig. . Well get busy an lubricate it good. No it won’t bite.
You can grease it up with Lubrifax, or K Y jelly, vegetable oils, unscented cream or oil, or you can even break open a couple of capsules of vitamin E and magssage frisco with it.
I’m sure your honey won’t mind.

Get Talking
Talk to your partner about sex and his needs, and likes. Some libido- boosting comes from heart to heart talks, about each others needs and feelings.

Be Adventureous In the Bedroom
Try out new positions to find the most comfortable. Touching is extremely important. More hugs, kisses, and mutual massages for closeness, and sensual pleasure.

Do The Kegel
Imagine you want to stop urine in midstream. Squeeze the muscles in the vaginal area firmly. Hold to the count of three, then relax .Practice with the rapid alternation between tightening, and letting go.
A great way to strengthen your anal, vaginal, and urinary muscles. Stronger muscles can help you relax and use these muscles, with less pain and more pleasure during intercourse.
These are also good for preventing urinary incontinence.

By: Bev

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