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Natural Evil Explained

Philosophy : Philosophy Articles

This, as opposed to moral evil, are bad consequences that derive from the operation of natural forces - e.g. a volcano eruption killing millions.

By: Dan on Tue, Mar 15th 2005

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This is a term arising from the works of Thomas Aquinas, who argues that all natural (Divine created) conditions of being are good and evil is due to the lack (privation) of perfection.

Aquinas might argue that while Divinity is the primal cause of all action, it is the defect or privation due to the free will of humans which is the cause of evil action. In other words, Divinity allows humans to make morally evil choices.

Hi I view it differently – In my experience Creation or Life is governed by basic laws, (These are not theory -you can prove, observe and experience their working). These are simple but unrelenting in their effect. It is our choice whether or not to harmonise with them. We can agree with them or disagree with them, but it makes no difference to these laws or principles – they continue to work whether we observe them or not. How you are in your being, thoughts, words and deeds determines your future and what you link yourself with! It begins with the individual. Creation is actually perfect in its working, Devine intervention is ruled out, as that which is perfect does not have to act arbitrarily - only mankind causes and experiences "problems" owing to an inability to recognise and adjust to the natural order of things!

Hi i like your passage and after reading it i thought that it is not just based on the individuality of the natural evil but on inluences around them. for instance there could be a man who was brought up in the niced, most polight area but has a friend that takes drugs and he may follow his path therfore the individuality stared in "good" but was influenced and by his perception wrong was right and to explain and emphasis the point that natural evil is uncontrolable and therfore can't be explained because it is natural.

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