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Part 1a: Your Desired Interview Result

Jobs : Successful Job Search Interview Process

As mentioned before, you should prepare well for an interview, but beware of learning your answers - this will come across and be a hindrance to you, as well as leading to the temptation to change the question slightly so as that it fits the one to which you have learnt a model answer!

The key result of the interview is that you should have built up a good rappour with the interviewer and started to build a good relationship with them, whilst at the same time not sacrificing on the content that you are asked and need to get across about yourself. Your attitude and your personality as a whole are key constituents of being offered a job - after all, even if you are the most qualified person for the job in the world, but it appears that you are no good at team working and didn't get on with the interviewer, then you are unlikely to get the job. Similarly, someone without brilliant qualifications but who is still bright and has bundles of enthusiasm may be chosen over someone more qualified and trained up, as long as they show the potential and interest to learn.

As such, you should use the interview to try and sell yourself at most opportunities, however do so subtlely. Some people recommend that you think of about 5 or 10 words that sum up how you want to come across and concentrate on these bit by bit in the interview. However, this can distract you from the interview itself and make some of your answers sound forced. Rather, you should think about your best qualities before the interview in a general sense - reliability, punctuality, friendliness, enthusiasm, innovation and so on, and make sure that these come across in your answers. If you think specifically about always projecting these qualities to produce a model image of yourself, then you may defeat yourself.

By: Job Expert

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