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Part 2i: Interview Mistakes: Inconsistency

Jobs : Successful Job Search Interview Process

With respect to inconsistencies, most interviewers are very quick to pick up on these - they are experienced at talking to people and extracting information from them - their purpose from an interview, and so are likely to probe deeper if they see any hesitancy or uncertainty on your part during the interview.

Therefore, do not be too liberal with the truth. Many people slightly bend or colour the truth, but do not go too far - you are likely to be picked up on it.

If the interviewer suddenly starts to probe deeper in a certain area, or appears quizzical in their tone of voice or mannerisms, then it may be that they suspect you of being inconsistent.

In this situation you should definitely not back down or change your story, since this is usually a tell tale sign that you have said something that is not quite true or have over-indulged somewhat in a flight of fancy or an over-embellishment.

Therefore, you should nod, or smile, and allow the interview to continue if challenged in this way.

You can always seek clarification that you have told them all that they want to know in respect to a certain area or ask them if there is anything else you can tell them to clarify the matter.

Your willingness to do this will more often than not assure them that you were telling the truth.

By: Job Expert

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