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Part 2k: Interview Mistakes: Not Listening

Jobs : Successful Job Search Interview Process

In any job there is likely to be a lot of listening involved - to the rest of your team, your leaders, and perhaps those below you. In general, communication is an essential skill.

If you don't listen to what you are asked to do, then no matter how intelligent you are, you are very unlikely to give the desired answer - after all, you don't know the question.

Yet nerves do funny things - some people are overkeen to answer, and rush, and do not therefore actually listen to what they are asked. They give a great answer, but to the wrong question. This is not likely to impress! Someone who does not listen can be a liability to a team.

Therefore, listen to the tone, words and gestures of the interviewer, and always try to reply accordingly.

Avoid controversial issues.

Make sure that you do not talk for far too long, and hence don't have the opportunity to listen since you never shut up!

By: Job Expert

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