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Part 5b: How To Complete A Psychometric Test

Jobs : Successful Job Search CV Covering Letter And Exams

Often in tests you will get a psychometric section. This, as such, has no right and wrong answers.

It will ask for information about yourself - whether you are outgoing, whether you prefer to go out socilaising or watch a film, whether you prefer working in a team or as an individual, and lots and lots of other questions about you like that.

The great temptation with these is to give the answer that you THINK they want, rather than the true answer. But this will defeat the point.

Most people will find that the true answers for them will match well with what the employer is looking for, but if not then it probably means that it is not the job for you, and getting offered the wrong job for you is often worse and more distressing than not getting offered the job at all.

Additionally, these tests often ask similar questions in different ways and look for a trend, so if you give conflicting answers to two similar questions then it looks as though you have been cheating.

Best advice: give a truthful answer, but at the same time don't be too hard on yourself. If you think you have leadership potential or often take the lead in certain situations, then say so: this is no time to be modest!

By: Job Expert

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