How To Pick Who To See Again When Speed Dating
Relationships : Relationship Advice When you go speed dating, something interesting tends to happen at the end of the evening. Once you have had all of your mini dates, you will be asked to tick boxes next to the names of each person that you would be interested in seeing again. Then at the end of the night, they pair them up and then if they want to see you too then they let you know. So how to approach it? Well some people tick all the names just to find out who likes them or not. But there is no point in this - remember the point is to try to meet people not see how popular you are or are not. Therefore be honest and select only those that you are interested in. Be sure to judge fairly too - get to know their personality a little and try not to make your mind up before they have even spoken a word - something that men are perhaps more guilty of than women!
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