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Pimples And Breakouts Gone In No Time

Beauty : Skincare

How about an expert advise from a sothomore in high school.
ok girls you have to come down about those pimples/breakouts.
things that help
- get the stress down ( as in come down,relax, and never over react, or worry about something cause that always makes you pimples/break outs even worse)
- wash your face regularly with just water and pat dry with a soft towell don't scrub!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- some people get break outs from eating white things like milk. body reacts to white things in you mouth differently and causes more breakouts/pimples.
- try toothpaste it doesn't works for everybody but it still helps
- and last but not least just remember that beauty is not the most important thing in a person. what's important is what kind of person you are inside and not outside. yeah i know it's important to look after youself, do your hair, wear nice clean clothe, and stuff. and you should still do that.
just be conifedent, believe in yourself and everything will turn out great. and in no time you're pimples/breakouts will be gone and you won't notice even when that happened! good luck just try these tips, it worked for me, it might work for you=)

By: Nadiya

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