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How To Play Hearts

Games : Card Games

Hearts is a popular card game, that people play either as a family or with friends. You can also play online and it has been popularised by being bundled with certain computer operating systems!

Avoid winning tricks containing hearts or the queen of spades and the jack of diamonds.

3 - 7 players

Standard deck of 52 cards. Deal them evenly - if not possible due to the number of people playing, take out some 2's to make the numbers level. In each suit, the cards are ranked from the Ace, with the highest value, on down: K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2.

How to deal:
The whole pack is dealt out clockwise, one card at a time, each placed face down.

After the cards have been dealt, each player chooses three cards to pass to an opponent. Players pick their cards after they've looked at them, and before they've received cards from their opponents. Cards are passed to the right at the first deal, to the left with the second, and across with the third. At the fourth deal, players keep their own cards.

How to play:
The player to the left of the dealer leads first. Each player followa suit, but if he can't, he may play any card he wants.

A player wins a trick when he plays the highest card of the suit that is led. The winner of the trick leads the next.

A player can't lead with a heart until a heart has been played in the game. Hearts are broken when a player lacks a card in the suit that has been led, so he throws down a heart instead.

How to keep score:
After all the cards have been played, players count up their tricks. Each player receives a penalty point for each heart card they have. The player who ends up with the queen of spades gets 15 points. The jack of diamonds counts as ten.

The player with the least number of points when any player reaches 50 points wins.

If a player manages to win every point in a round, they receive no points added to their score, and the points are split evenly amongst the other players of the game.

By: Stephen

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