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Jobs : Job Profiles

In this job you will repair and install all sorts of systems - water, waste and so on. You will also install and maintain fixtures and fittings in houses; typically toilets, showers and so on.

As such you will need excellent manual skills, be able to work from plans and briefs, and have a detailed knowledge of your subject. Also health and safety awareness is key as you must comply.

You will tend to undergo several years training, and courses in a variety of skills and disciplines.

The best way to get in is with an apprenticeship with a local firm that will train you up.
The outlook is excellent - with more and more people doing non-manual jobs, those that do manual jobs such as this are much sought after. When people find a good plumber they also tend to be loyal to them over a period of time; and recommend to friends and families.

Most plumbers are self employed, and it can be a very nice job indeed.

By: Job Expert

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