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Q3: Where Do You See Your Future Career Going?

Jobs : Successful Job Search Questions At Interview

This is a bit of an awkward one. Therefore you need to think about it in advance. It is best not to say "I'm not sure", even if true!

This may be the case, but at least add about areas that you feel you might like to go into, this shows more thought, though of course you don't need to have some detailed five year plan.

If you really have no idea, then at least put it in a positive light "I believe in being flexible as to the future of my career. Whilst I have some idea about the general way in which I would like to advance, I am careful not to plan in too much detail.

As I get more experienced and grow in a role, I tend to find that new avenues are opened to me that I was previously not aware of.

As a result, what I see as the future of my career often changes as my role developed. I think I would like to stay in this general sphere and do something related to technology, but as for a specific role, or a dream job, then I feel it is a little artificial to give a definitive answer".

Therefore in terms of the general answer, just re-emphasise how important being a model professional and team player are to you, that you would like to be known for your integrity and team playing and things like that.

By: Job Expert

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