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Q5: Your CV Is Impressive... What Is Your Biggest Career Achievement To Date?

Jobs : Successful Job Search Questions At Interview

Another common question and a great chance to show how good you are - if you have prepared!

They would like to know if you can identify important milestones in your career, and why that specifically is what you consider important. It will help them to identify what you value and find important.

It is good here not to completely over-exaggerate, or be arrogant ("well, there are so many, it's difficult to choose(!)"), also remember that with this sort of project, they can check whether it is true with the company itself, and are likely to do so if you claim to have single-handedly turned around a company (though some of you might have done). However, in general keep it true but good.

Only you can answer what was the biggest achievement in your career to date. The key thing is to prepare an answer, it can be hard to think under pressure if you have done a lot.

Pick something that you can talk about with some PASSION - perhaps you restructured one of the processes in a previous job, and greatly reduced costs, increased efficiency and consequently profits for the company.

Throw in that you hope your greatest achievements are in the future.

Whilst talking about yourself is important, if your team was involved, mention that teamwork and consultation ensured that the procedure was successful, and mention that hard work and determination went into it.

This way they will see the qualities that you possess and the qualities that you value. If they are in line with the ones that the company desires in an applicant, then you are sure to do well on the question.

By: Job Expert

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