Questions To Ask On A Date
Relationships : Relationship Advice Some people worry that they won't think of anything to say on a date. So why not list up front the sort of questions that you want to ask. Here are some questions that you might like to ask your date on a first date are: - where they are from? - how they found school? university? - their first job? - what they really like to do? - hobbies? - dislikes? - sports - are they into sports? which ones? In sum ask questions that you would like to know about your new partner - hardly rocket science, but do prepare some up front. You can also talk about current affairs and the news or what people are talking about right now. Be sure to ask your questions as open questions rather than closed. For instance don't say "do you like tennis?" but rather ask the question in an open way such as "what do you like about tennis?" and similar.
![]() Questions about dating: