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Questions To Ask When Speed Dating

Relationships : Speed Dating

When you go speed dating, you will undoubtedly get nervous - and particularly so when you are sitting opposite someone that you really like!

Therefore even if you are naturally confident and good at conversation it pays to prepare a list of questions that you want to ask.

Therefore suggest a list of around 20 or so questions before the event, and commit as many of them to memory as you can.

Then practice asking those questions in a natural way that makes it sound like you haven't just learnt them off a list! It's ok to do this as probably your dates will have done the same so it ensures there is a natural flow.

And the one thing people fear most about speed dating is that there might be awkward silences - having a decent list of questions up your sleeve means that as soon as there is any meaningful pause you can simply come out with another question that is on your list.

However, remember that whilst you should of course ask some of the classic questions such as about what the other person does for a living, it is nice to have some original questions in there too. These will show your personality and that you are original - and they stop things getting boring when you and your dates have pretty much the same conversation everytime with each of the other participants.

Finally, some people recommend that you avoid some topics such as political affiliations and so forth in this discussion. The reason is if you have very opposed views then they can put each party off each other, so don't bring up anything that could be too divisive of opinion at a speed dating event.

By: Stephanie

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