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Rabbit Guide

Pets : Other Pets

Just like other pets, having a rabbit is a wonderful experience however you will need to follow the tips in this guide to ensure that your rabbit is getting the best care
and that your able to give it everything it needs.

A rabbit needs the following:

A rabbit will need a comfortable cage to live in with enough space, do not put it near anything electrical, near poisonous plants or predatory pets. Wire bottom cages will not be comfortable for their feet, they need a solid bottom. Make sure there is
multiple levels in the cage so they have a little spot and a sleeping spot and enough space to be cosy.

Rabbits must always have hay, and you need to feed them a good diet, made up of pellets which you can but in store. Grass Hay is good too. Be careful what your rabbit gets hold of some things can cause them illness.
Feed them lots of vegetables like carrots.

Bedding material is important, this needs to be hay straw or shavings. Let your rabbit arrange their bed, just provide the material. You will need to clean the cage and bedding regularly to let your rabbit be clean and comfortable.

Rabbits need space to run around and exercise it is vital for their health. Rabbits love running around, jumping, going through obstacles like tunnels and boxes, make sure you have this for your rabbit, they cannot just stay in their cage.
If they are outside, watch them! DO NOT let them near loose dogs, foxes and cats.

Vet Care
Your rabbit will need vet care. Make sure you take it to the vets to be checked over and watch out for unusual signs in your rabbit. Buying a handbook may help identify these signs. Make sure you groom your rabbit regularly.


Believe it or not Rabbits require a lot of love and care and attention, you need to spend time with your rabbit, brushing its coat of hair, stroking it and just being present. Your Rabbit will get lonely especially if it lives alone as rabbits like to have companions and be around
other rabbits. You will need to take this into attention.

You can find out more by searching online or visiting a vets you could also visit Pets At Home petsathome.com for more information.

By: Jade

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