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How To Read A Wine Label

Food And Drink : Drinks

When it comes to wine, and wanting to be an expert, then you need to be able to understand what is written on the bottle.

Sometimes this is a little bit cryptic with strange acronyms being used all over the place!

And of course the language barrier can make it harder with labels in languages such as French and German and Italian. Here are a few pointers to help you out:

A.O.C. is French for Appellation d'Origine Controlee and basically is an indication of quality. The equivalents in other languages are D.O.C. or D.O.C.G., so look out for them on foreign wines!

Also try to pick a wine from a single estate where all is done by one producer - which means that someone has taken care and pride in the product and again can turn an average wine into a real winner.

By: Fred

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