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Reasons To Buy Frozen Veg

Food And Drink : Great Food Tips

Frozen fruit and vegetables are grown in peak conditions and then frozen very soon after being picked. This helps to lock in essential nutrients, making them a healthier alternative to fresh veg which can be kept in transit for up to 2 weeks therefore they lose vitamins along the way.

It also helps to keep them in tip top condition so you dont have to eat them straight away after purchase. They will keep for a much longer time and there will be less waste to throw away.

Fresh produce is usually harvested before they are ripe, to give them a longer shelf life, so the taste isnt always the best. However, frozen veg is kept at optimum taste by locking it in.

They are also available all year round and not just in the harvest season so you can have a more varied diet any time of the year. Its usually cheaper to buy as well.

The top items at the moment are mixed summer fruits, peas, sweetcorn, spinach and soy beans - all frozen.

By: Danielle

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