How To Reduce Cooking Costs
Money : Money Management If you want to save money on heating and electricity when cooking, then the advice has to be to use the microwave wherever possible. Whilst many don't trust microwaves for certain dishes and associate them with ready meals, they are surprisingly versatile and can be used to cook a large variety of meals. The best thing about microwaves is in terms of energy - they use much less than an ordinary oven does. This means that you can save a lot of money using them. When using your standard oven, try to cook several things at once if you can to again save money on energy costs. Finally, you can save the huge amounts of energy used to boil the kettle by only boiling the water that you need. How often do you fill the kettle only to pour about one cups worth of water out of it? Save this wasteful practice and you can save money in the process!
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