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How To Remember A List

Self Development : Brain Power

One of the hardest things to learn to memory is a list of anything. That's because there is not normally something to connect or to associate each member of that list with, so we forget.

The best way to learn a list which greatly improves our chances of committing it to memory is to tie each item on the list to some common theme.

So for example if you like animals then why not connect each item on the list to a particular animal.

Thus if you have a back scratcher on your list, you might imagine it connected to a giraffe - this is the link or key word.

Make a mental image of an enormous back scratcher rubbing down the neck of the giraffe for example. Then you use each of the animals which you do know to trigger the word on the list that you might forget.

Repeat the technique with different animals for the rest of the list and you will find the list much easier to remember.

By: Fred

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