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How To Remember Easily

Self Development : Brain Power

Remembering seems to be a bit of a lottery - some people find it easy to remember, whilst for others it is very hard indeed.

What is strange is that, clearly, memory is a useful faculty to possess, yet we don't get taught in school efficient ways to remember information, and therefore later in life we can suffer from the same problem.

Remembering things, and increasing your chance of remembering, is all about making associations between what you want to remember and what you already know.

This is because of the functional way in which the brain works; an incredibly complex network. By adding something to your memory by linking it to strong connections that are already in your memory, you make it much easier for your brain to remember a fact.

Thus, always try to link new facts to something you already know.

If you can't do this - for instance it's something a bit abstract like a physics formula or similar, then try to create some mental 'hook' that you can remember it by - for instance a mnemonic or acronym.

By: Fred

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