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How To Remove Dark Elbow Stains

Beauty : Skincare

If you have darker skin on your elbows, dont buy skin lightening creams. These can contain chemicals which are bad for you. You may feel uncomfortable wearing short sleeves, but give these homemade remedies a go. They may just work!

Cut an orange in half and rub one onto each elbow for a few minutes. Let the juice dry and then rinse off with warm water. Repeat this on a daily basis.

You can also do the same but with a lime or a lemon.

Make a paste with equal parts turmeric powder, milk, and flour. Pat it onto your elbows and leave it for 30 minutes. You may want to do this in the shower to avoid getting it everywhere. Take a book in with you or shave your legs while you are waiting. After the time is up, wash it off with warm water and dry. Repeat this on a daily basis.

Moisturing and not leaning on your elbows may also help, as the darker skin could be caused by dehydration or irritation.

By: Danielle

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