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How To Remove Feet Warts

Beauty : Hands And Feet

If you get warts on your feet, you should make an appointment with a chiropodist rather than trying to self treat.

They will know the best way to remove the wart, and often this will involve treatment - perhaps repeated treatment - with an acid solution that will encourage the wart to drop off.

If you do try to self treat then ensure that you are careful and know what you are doing, as some treatments can affect healthy skin if applied - for instance salicylic acid plasters.

By: Stephanie

More beauty advice

I do agree with stephanie but i have figured out if you put a piece of meat on the wart (this also works with skin tags) and rub it a few times put the piece of meat down the toilet and flush it and remember as the meat flushes away so does the wart/ skintag. its a great ay to get rid of warts as they are not very nice looking things are they lol.

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