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How To Remove Ink From Leather

Cleaning : Leather

If you get ink on leather, then here is one method that you can try to use to remove the ink from the leather.

First, spread out the leather item so there are no wrinkles or cracks in it so that the whole surface of the leather is in front of you.

Next get some hairspray - any type will do - any spray on the area of leather that has the ink on.

Then leave for a minute and then rub off, pressing firmly with a new cloth that is nice and clean, all across the affected area of leather.

The result should be most inks dissolve and remove, however some won't respond to a hair spray at all - in which case you need to take your leather goods to a professional cleaner.

By: Stephanie

More cleaning leather advice

I took the advice from your contributor to purchase the leather Care Kit and it worked. Thank you

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