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How To Remove Spots

Beauty : Skincare

Spots might be the bane of your life; certainly for a lot of teenagers but also for those later in life, too.

A good tip to get rid of a spot is to dab some toothpaste onto it and then leave it overnight and then wash it off the next morning. This should help kill off the spot, and may need to be repeated.

By: Kate Hackney on Sat, Jun 8th 2002

More spots advice

I don't have severe acne but I do have terrible breakouts (I have one at the moment) Try to drink at least 2 litres of water a day, I never used to and as soon as I started my skin was alot clearer. I tend to get breakouts when im stressed or due to hormones and I have to say toothpaste is a life saver! Although it dont find it gets rid of the redness. I have tried 2 different products from the doctors and they didnt help me. I just bought the new neautrogena stuff from boots so Im waiting to see if that helps too. But seriously toothpaste and water are the best Ive found so far!

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