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School Make-up Suggestions

Beauty : Teens And Beauty

If you are going to wear make-up to high school, perhaps because your friends are, then it's important that you don't overdo it as is the temptation - and look silly in the process.

So what should you wear - what would be a suitable amount of make-up for school, if you are allowed to wear it at all?

Well, a subtle look would be to wear a little lip gloss, a bit of mascara (don't pile it on too thick!) and some gentle toned eyeshadow.

Remember that school is not for experimenting with your make-up - there are plenty of chances to do that outside of school - so stick to something plain and elegant!

By: Stephanie

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This is true.
Girls heads up.
If you wear too much makeup for school when you dont everyone will be surprised to see you that way!
If you can, don't wear foundation. Stick to a light powder. LITTLE BIT of blush, and some mascara. Light eyeshadows are OK!
Please don't fix your make us as if you were going to prom. It's not worth it, believe me!

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