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Search Engine Marketing - The Golden Rule

Computing : Search Engine Optimisation

The golden rule is that you must never break the rules.

Whilst there is nothing at all wrong with trying to ensure that you get the best ranking for your site - in fact this is very sensible - you should ensure that you don't use underhand methods.

Notorious underhand methods include using paragraphs of white text in your page to try and influence robots.

The modern equivalent would be to use several sections of text hidden using CSS that is never revealed on the page.

Certainly do not create pages full of keywords and nothing else - these will be considered as spam and turn visitors off.

If you think what you are doing might be wrong, then quite often it is!

Therefore make sure that you only ever use legitimate means. The penalty is clear - if you are shown to break the rules then you may well have your site completely removed from a search engine never to appear again!

By: Seo Master

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