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Search Engine Optimisation: Keyword Phrase Density

Computing : Search Engine Optimisation

You will hear a lot of talk of keyword density and the analysis of it when you read articles on search engine optimisation.

So what exactly is keyword density? Well, it is simply a measure of the importance of a word on a page, based on how often the word occurs relative to the number of words on a page.

It stands to reason - if the word 'London' appears 100 times on a page and the next most popular word only occurs 10 times, there's a very good chance the page is something to do with London!

Therefore the word has the highest keyword density compared to the rest of the page, in percentage terms.

It is worth using a tool such as the GoRank analyser at http://www.gorank.com/analyze.php
to see how your site ranks on its target keywords.

Clearly the higher the percentage the more important the term to that page; and a level of around 5% is great. Above 10% and it might be unrealistic.

Remember always that you should not go overboard - keyword optimisation is one thing, keyword spam quite another.

Always ensure that the page still reads well to the human eye and that any term you traffic is relevant to your page.

It is simply not worth trying to cheat the system. Not only might your website be banned, but more than likely it will turn off the human reader too.

By: Seo Master

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