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Self Employment: Finding Work

Business : Self Employment

So, you set up as self employed. All the paperwork has been done, and you have got your business cards created and your office all ready and set up.

Now all that you need to succeed is a small matter of work... so how do you go about getting it?!

Well, actually an awful lot of work for those who are self employed comes through networking - actively getting out there and meeting people and just as important using their old network of people from work.

With many things, it is estimated that around 50% of the self employed who have worked for a long time at a big company then become consultants actually end up getting the most money in the long run still from the company that they used to work for!

Therefore leaving on a good and positive note and continuing to work your old network is essential for you to get new work and new opportunities and therefore money under your new self-employed status.

By: Fred

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